
Less chart prep.

More satisfied patients.

Hona integrates external records into your charts and summarizes them so you spend less time preparing and more with patients.

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Hona AI
Hona AI
Hona AI
Hona AI
Hona AI
Your patient’s entire history summarized.

Hona fetches patient records, highlights key data, and organizes it into an intelligent card available in minutes.

Hona AI

Backed By

Hona AI
Hona AI
Possible increase in time saved when answering clinical questions using AI to retrieve patient records.
How it works
Tell Hona what you need to know about your patient.

Use our starter templates or share custom templates across your organization for quick and consistent analyses. Simply give a title and description for each section in your template and our AI will automatically fill it out with the patient's information.

Hona AI

Integrate in Five Weeks

Hona uses FHIR standards for quick and easy integration.
Hona AI
Week 1

You'll sit down with our team for 30 minutes so that we can understand more about how you’re looking to improve your workflow.

Hona AI
Week 2–4
Build Out

Our team will work with your EHR champion and vendors to integrate summaries into your workflow.

Hona AI
Week 5

We'll partially integrate with some members of the practice to test and gain feedback before deploying to the entire practice.


24/7 Support
Quick EHR Integration
Hona AI
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Join clinics in changing how patients are connected.